Book Reviews

Hidden Children of the
Belgian Nuns and Their Daring Rescue of Young Jews from the Nazis
Vromen Hidden Children of the Holocaust: Belgian Nuns and Their Daring Rescue
of Young Jews from the Nazis.
By Suzanne Vromen. ( Professor Emerita of Sociology, Bard College,).
Oxford University Press May 2008 240p illus. First published
May 15, 2008 (Booklist).
$24.95 (9780195181289). 940.53.
Review - Booklist
Never will every Holocaust story be told, but powerful tales of
courage, rescue, and compromise continue to surface. Vromen, professor
emeritus of sociology at Bard College, casts light on the precarious
lives of hidden Jewish children in occupied Belgium and the brave nuns
who gave them shelter and care. Her groundbreaking research was
inspired by her own experience. As a child, Vromen escaped occupied
Belgium with her family, who found refuge in the Belgian Congo, where
she attended a convent school. Recalling her “initial bewilderment at
being plunged suddenly into a Catholic milieu,” Vromen was able to
connect at the deepest level with the surviving rescuers and former
hidden children she interviewed. These remarkably detailed and
profoundly moving conversations are matched by Vromen’s fresh and
insightful analysis of knotty questions of identity, inheritance,
faith, and survival. Writing with a disciplined clarity, Vromen
chronicles the integration of young Jews into convent life, the baptism
of many and the conversion of some, and the psychological, social, and
spiritual repercussions. Vromen’s exacting and corrective work of
history and remembrance is uniquely sensitive and illuminating. —Donna
“Suzanne Vromen’s deeply moving book about Jewish children hidden in
Belgian convents during World War II is an extraordinary study of human
courage, devotion, and transcendent spirit. Capturing the voices of
those who were saved and of their rescuers, Vromen illuminates history
and offers us inspiration.”
Susannah Heschel,
author of Abraham
Geiger and the Jewish Jesus.
“Suzanne Vromen masterfully uncovers the hidden history not just of
Jewish children rescued during the Holocaust, but also of the
courageous women who saved their lives. Vromen has restored a missing
piece of the Belgian and Jewish past. She tells the story of the
children and their saviors with tact, gentleness, and insight.”
Deborah Dash Moore,
author of GI Jews: How
World War II Changed a Generation.
“Hidden Children of the
Holocaust offers important insights into the lives of
children who disappeared behind Convent doors in Belgium during the
Holocaust. We still know far too little about what happened to children
during the Nazi period and even less about those who were hidden by
Catholic institutions. Relying on both the printed record and
interviews with some of the children and the priests and nuns who hid
them, Suzanne Vromen paints a vivid picture. This is an important book
that will captivate readers and open a door to a body of knowledge that
has been hidden for far too long.”
Deborah E.
Lipstadt, author of History
on Trial: My Day in Court with David Irving
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