Special Tributes

Mauthausen at Liberation
Prisoners cheer USA 11th Armored Division on May 6, 1945
Photo Credit: USHMM

Women in Mauthausen

May 7, 2006 - Remembrance of the Women at the 61st commemoration of the liberation of the Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria. It is a remembrance of the women's immense suffering as forced sex workers and of their courageous struggle for survival.

Memorial monument at camp site

Russian Memorial
(click to enlarge)


Memorial plaque for Sinti and Roma

Memorial plaque for homosexuals
(click to enlarge)


Entering by representatives of Canada
(click to enlarge)


Entering (click to enlarge)




Poster in memory of the women


Room in a barrack


Memorial plaque - Remembering the women


Camp brothel


Special monument where the 'appelplatz' was in the camp


Feminist opposition: To the women and girls.
For all who got raped and were forced into
prostitution, and all other victims.
You are not forgotten. (click to enlarge)


Memorial with a quotation by Bertold Brecht (1933)
(click to enlarge)


Memorial for the girls (click to enlarge)



Photo credits: Ulrike Wielaender, studied journalism and communication science in Vienna . Active in the women's rights movement.


© Copyright Judy Cohen, 2006.
All rights reserved.